Walker Hill Group

Investment Structures – What Suits You?

So, you want to invest.

Whether you’re serious about buying a property, making a large purchase or buying into shares- with anything you invest in, you will need an appropriate structure. Did you know that Walker Hill works with both business and asset structure?                                            

To help you navigate the processes and risks of investing, it can help to talk to your accountant or investment expert about the different structures that work for different investments. Company structures operate a little differently, but a good accounting firm will provide advisory services and strategic planning for whichever structure you choose or are apart of. 

For example: a family buys an investment property. A property is held within structures such as ownership in an individual name, ownership in a self-managed super fund or, as is the case with our hypothetical family, ownership in a pre-existing family discretionary trust.

Within this structure, should the property be held more than 12 months, the owners are entitled to the general discount on any potential capital gain generated.

Investing isn’t as easy as knowing where to put your money. It is also vital you have clarity or guidance as to when, how and why.

If you are considering purchasing an investment asset, contact Walker Hill to discuss an appropriate structure, or plan, for you.

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