Walker Hill Group

Three Ways to Have Less Stress in your Business

Being your own boss can be an exciting venture. However, long hours, cash flow issues, industry changes and staffing can all be very real reasons to have stress and anxiety within your small business, regardless of the industry. Often, these stressful events can seem overwhelming but there are some things that you can do today to help destress, refocus and get back to feeling on top of your small business.

Set Your Goals & Focus on What You Need to Do

If you’re starting to feel overwhelmed in your business, it’s time to stop think about what you’re focusing on. A good place to start destressing is by thinking about what you actually want to achieve in your business. Highlight what you want to achieve and create some SMART goals with these ideas at the core. These goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Based goals that factor in the key components for keeping your goal setting realistic.  With your goals now in place, you should be able to break these into more manageable tasks. Like your SMART goals, these smaller tasks should take components such as time, skills and priority into account. Ensure that each task is then built into daily or weekly routines to create consistency and continuity. Having goals and creating good habits for achieving these goals will go a long way to keeping you focused on what you need to do and, in turn, reduce stress in your small business.

Delegate or Outsource

If your stress comes from needing more time in your day, then delegation or outsourcing could be a great destressing solution. Think about how long some of the more tedious tasks that you perform in your business takes. Whether it’s gaining back an hour a day or an hour a week, this time could be much better spent doing something that you enjoy if you’re finding that you aren’t prioritising those more important things due to time stress. Delegate or outsource a task that you do in your business which requires a specific skill set that you don’t have or where you lack efficiencies. This way you will not only get back some valuable time and decrease stress by doing so, but you will also improve the process of work being completed by having it done by someone else.

Is bookkeeping taking up too much of your time? Contact us today to reduce your stress and get some time back.

Stay Focused on What You Can Control

If you’re feeling stressed in your business, focus on the things that you can control. Areas such as your reaction and attitude, sales funnel and the quality of service that you provide to your customers and clients are all things that you have complete control over regardless of the situations that are currently in. Furthermore, by focusing on the things that you can control and having a positive attitude means that you will get a sense of power back, regardless of the situations around you. Often you can’t change an event, but you can control your reaction to it. So, keep your chin up, focus on your reaction and how you can keep moving forward to reduce stress in your business.

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